Sunday, December 11, 2011

13 weeks ♥

I am 13 weeks along in my pregnancy! I am feeling pretty good. I'm running after my 14-month-old, which is keeping me in shape & making the first 13 weeks go by quickly! 

Our baby is the size of a peach! (2.9 inches, .81 oz.) This week little teeth and vocal cords are forming in our litte peach!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Baby #2!

Happy December!!

On the fourth of December, I will be 12 weeks along in my pregnancy!

Our baby is the size of a plum! (2.1 inches, .49 oz) We are very anxious to find out the sex of the baby. That should happen sometime in January, between 17 & 20 weeks. As I grow, I will be posting pictures and updates.